Hair transplant methods seem to be all of the rage right now, and truthfully, it helps a lot in making your hairline and scalp look natural and fuller. In this article, we will be talking about the FUE or NeoGraft hair transplants method of hair transplant.
What Is FUE Hair Transplant?
FUE hair transplant method, also known as follicular unit extraction, is a procedure in which singular hair follicles are embedded in the balding spots of your hair. This is done with a precision tool, which harvests one follicle in your scalp at a time. The follicle to be harvested is taken from a donor and it is pushed into the receding hairline. This is a much less invasive procedure than traditional hair transplantation methods and it is a fairly new technique in the world of hair transplant.
Pros of FUE Hair Transplant Method
Now that you know what is a follicular unit extraction method of hair transplant, let’s talk about why it should be considered and how it supersedes other methods of hair transplantation.
Post-Surgery Healing Time Is Quick
Since FUE hair transplant method is a less invasive procedure and it involves little to no surgical procedure, therefore, it requires no time to heal as well. It is mainly done with a small precision tool, which uses harvesting technique or insertion technique, to insert hair follicles into a single unit of receding hairline. It is very easy to do, and the healing time is very quick as well.
The Result Is Very Natural
FUE hair transplant is a very natural hair transplant method. Also, called NeoGraft hair transplant method, the result is very natural, and the hairline looks naturally filled and not artificial at all. Follicular unit extraction, since it is a harvesting technique, unlike traditional hair transplant, fills up the hairline with a natural and sporadic pattern, so it looks extremely natural and blends in with the natural hair line. So, if you want a hair transplant technique that looks natural and doesn’t look too obvious, then you can opt for FUE hair transplant method given that you select the right doctor for it.
There Is No Visible Scarring
FUE hair transplant method is also a better procedure than most traditional hair transplant techniques, because there is no appearance of a scar, which is a very normal thing in traditional hair transplant methods. In FUE hair transplant, there is no scarring because there is no cutting or surgical procedure involved, rather, the single hair follicles are harvested into the receding hairline. It heals quickly, and it has no apparent scarring.
Cons of FUE Hair Transplant Method
Like most good things, there is a flip side to them as well. Some cons of FUE hair transplant method are as follows:
It’s Very Expensive
Since follicular unit extraction technique is the newest technique in the world of hair transplant methods, it is a very expensive procedure. A lot of people love the results of FUE hair transplant, but the cost of the procedure tends to make people wary of this procedure. Not everyone can afford a hair transplant technique that costs a huge amount, so this is why people tend to not go for FUE hair transplant technique.
The Procedure Takes A Lot of Time
Yes, FUE hair transplant is a less invasive technique, but it takes up a lot of time as well. as it is singularly implanting follicles into each part of the balding spots of your hair, it may take several hours to complete.
It Takes Multiple Sessions to Complete
FUE hair transplant method is not one-and-done. It usually takes a lot of sessions to complete and graft a balding spot on your scalp. It is a very time-consuming process and due to being expensive, a lot of people cannot afford to cover multiple sessions of FUE hair transplant. This con also makes people hesitant to go forward with this procedure, because it is very expensive, and one session is not enough for the perfect results.
There you go! We have you covered from head to toe on all of the possible hits and misses of the FUE hair transplant procedure. Take advice from the hair restoration clinic Towson of your choice to decide if you want to proceed with the hair transplant surgery.